
Space & Satellite Professionals International

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Join Women Helping Women Thrive in Space and Satellite

By Tina Ghataore, CSRO and CEO of North America at Aerospacelab and Debra Facktor, Head of U.S. Space Systems at Airbus U.S. Space and Defense

The SSPI-WISE (SSPI Women in Space Engagement) leadership team has exciting news to announce as we transition chairwomen of SSPI-WISE. We are excited to share that Tina Ghataore, Aerospacelab CSRO and CEO of North America is joining SPPI-WISE as its chairwoman. Tina will be transitioning into this role after incredible leadership and progress made by Debra Facktor, Head of U.S. Space Systems for Airbus U.S. Space and Defense, Inc. We are both honored to be given these opportunities to play such a pivotal role in an important industry organization.

Tina Ghataore
Tina Ghataore
Debra Facktor
Debra Factor

As leaders who have spent their careers in this industry, we have been given the benefits of networking and learning through SSPI. Its impact on bringing the satellite industry together is immeasurable. We have also been fortunate to watch other women rise in our industry over the years by making personal connections. We have more women in C-Suite roles at satellite operators than ever, opening doors.

SSPI-WISE marries those experiences and passions. As much progress as we have made for women, there is still much more work to be done.

Exciting Times Ahead

It’s a particularly exciting time to be a part of the space and satellite industry. Launches are happening every day from New Zealand to Florida. We have watched GEO operators evolve to hybrid and seen the realization of satellite constellations. New applications across communication, earth observation and direct to cell are creating new opportunities. There is an evolution of spectrum licensing and devices, with companies like Apple seeing value in satellite and space infrastructure.

Our work in satellites matters more than ever now, which is why it is crucial to have diverse talent across the industry.

Women’s Growing Role in Space

Women have always played a pivotal role in space technology. As underpublicized as those contributions have been, they quietly made strides that moved everyone forward. It will take more diversity of thought to achieve our global space ambitions.

Which is why the work at SSPI-WISE is significant. As leaders of SSPI-WISE, we are committed to bringing new women into the industry, fostering career growth and education for those in the industry, creating opportunities to connect and supporting each other through shared experiences.

Bringing in new talent starts with not only encouraging STEM education among younger generations, but helping them understand that the satellite industry requires many different types of roles and backgrounds. Fostering career growth is not just about early career development or creating executive positions, but recognizing there needs to be as much focus on midcareer talent and management in the industry, which is often forgotten and creates a ceiling.

But most importantly, our strength and future in the industry is in our connections. New innovations, career opportunities and partnerships are established through people. Which is why, as leaders of SSPI-WISE we want to empower and encourage active participation and networking at a global level. The more participation we have, the more benefit we create for women in the satellite industry.

Thank you for the support and continued commitment from the SSPI-WISE members as we make this transition!

How Can You Contribute?

SSPI-WISE has Working Groups dedicated to a wide variety of industry goals and activities.

Visit SSPI-WISE’s homepage to learn more and join a Working Group today!

Working Groups include:

  • Elevating Women – Raising the profile of women in the industry and helping newcomers grow and thrive
  • Mentoring – Connecting up-and-coming women in the industry with experienced women mentors and helping mentors learn how to become the best possible guides
  • Networking – Getting women involved in current and future industry events, as well as planning our own – Join the Next Meeting on June 21
  • Social Media
  • – Raising awareness of women’s achievements and events online through social media – Join the Next Meeting on June 20
  • STEM Outreach – Working to improve STEM education messaging and delivery for women throughout the world – Join the Next Meeting on June 21
  • Sustainment & Infrastructure –


Interested in learning more about SSPI-WISE activities or helping plan the year ahead? Join us at the June All-Members Meeting on June 27. We will be using the June session to conduct planning for the coming fiscal year. As well, we invite comments, suggestions and ideas as part of our annual election, which opened on June 15th.

SSPI-WISE Officer Elections are coming up soon! Watch the SSPI-WISE homepage for updates.