
Space & Satellite Professionals International

The Orbiter: Engage!
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Watering Can Growth

Small Steps, Big Impact

By Tamara Bond-Williams, Director of Engagement
Tamara Bond-Williams

When I joined SSPI as Membership Director in 2001, membership dues had just been increased from $60 to $80, with a second increase imminent, raising dues to $100. Interestingly, this change went mostly unremarked upon at the time.

Would you believe that in 2024, dues are still $100? It may come as a surprise – but we have not increased individual dues in 23 years. Additionally, corporate membership dues have remained unchanged since their introduction in 2019.

To continue SSPI’s growth and ensure that we remain responsive to our ever-changing industry, we are finally implementing a dues increase this year. Beginning September 1, 2024, we will be implementing a modest increase in both individual and corporate membership dues. This adjustment ensures that we can maintain the high level of support and resources you have come to expect from SSPI. There will also be a second modest increase in 2025.

Here’s how the dues will be adjusted:

Dues chart

We understand the importance of this decision and want to offer you the opportunity to get ahead of the increase. Here are two ways you can secure your current dues rate:

  • Renew or Join Now. Act now to renew your membership or join as a new member at the current dues rate. This secures your membership cost for the upcoming year before the increase takes effect. The dues increase is effective September 1, so until August 31st, all dues are at the existing rate!
  • Companies join today! The increase to corporate membership dues is modest, and also takes effect on September 1st. You can secure complimentary membership for all of your employees by joining as a corporate member.
  • Become a Lifetime Member. Individual members can become a Lifetime Member of SSPI with a one-time payment of $1000. Lifetime Members never pay dues again, ensuring uninterrupted access to all SSPI benefits.

Your continued support is instrumental in our ability to innovate, grow, and serve the space and satellite community effectively. We are committed to providing you with valuable resources, networking opportunities, and support as you pursue your professional and personal goals.

Thank you for your dedication to SSPI and our shared mission. Your involvement truly makes a significant impact on our ability to advance the space and satellite industry.

Upcoming Board Election

Speaking of being an SSPI Member, this year’s Board of Directors election is coming up shortly, and all Members are eligible to vote. Look for election news on SSPI’s homepage in the coming weeks!