
Space & Satellite Professionals International

The Orbiter: Getting Engaged in Space
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Tackling Climate Change as an Industry

Climate Change is an issue that SSPI and its supporting companies will be talking about in the fall. In a series of events, podcasts, webinars, videos and partnerships at the local Chapter level, we will be bringing a meaningful narrative to this global concern. We will discuss what satellites are doing and what they can do to help humanity again reach new heights. How can satellites help us farm more land, manage water, eliminate pollutants, restore shorelines and perhaps even stabilize the ice caps?

There are so many companies and organizations engaged in this effort that we will help bring to the world another dream realized: to pursue, scientifically and without the hysteria, a way forward that we can all live with. Our confidence and our joy and our concern will remain evident.

Coming this Fall: A Multi-platform Global Climate Change Event

Global warming and the impacts of climate change are the most dangerous challenges to our collective future as a species. Groups as diverse as national military colleges, space agencies, urban planners and NGOs concerned with refugees and the stability of public health have echoed similar concerns and are actively working on solutions.

No industry is better suited to boost the goal of reversing climate change in the near-term than the satellite industry. From the perch of space, earth observation and related satellite capabilities have started to map coastline erosion, farmland changes and methane emissions. The data and services from orbit enable businesses and governments to make real reversals possible through the use of real data.

Through its Better Satellite World campaign, SSPI is telling the story of the industry’s many companies that have entered this area of opportunity and whose businesses are making an impact right now!

To further the discussion this fall, SSPI will be combining content from four of its most popular platforms: podcast, video, publication and webinar into a sponsorship offering that will enable companies to be a part of the discussion, promote the brand and keep a presence in front of thousands of viewers, readers and listeners. This event is a way to engage with the industry through sponsorship and tackle a global issue that will impact us all in the process. Contact Tamara Bond-Williams to learn more about how your company can get involved!

Better Satellite World videos
Better Satellite World podcasts
The Orbiter
SSPI Webinars

Header image by Ars Electronica. Used under Flickr Creative Commons license.