“How will people watch Netflix on the Moon?” This was a question asked by the Institute of Space Commerce for LEAP, their Lunar Economic Action Plan program back in 2017. It was a question that both envisioned the future in 2029 with thousands of people living and working on the Moon, and sought to start the very real thinking necessary to working towards the establishment of a viable economy both on the Moon and between the Earth and the Moon.
LEAP resulted in over 37 papers from industry covering a multitude of topics driving detail and thought into the creation of the New Lunar Economy. Yet, from LEAP, it rapidly became very apparent that just as with satellite commerce in space today, spectrum and regulation holds the key to successful space commerce tomorrow.
We all read the articles. We all see the headlines. We all feel the hope, hope that we are finally returning to the Moon. However, author William Gibson maybe said it best, ‘the future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.’
Work is well underway already to establishing the first commercial settlements on the Moon. The goal of a thriving Lunar economy as an integral part of the global economy and logical extension of the today’s space and satellite industry is already in progress. Commerce and government are already active in returning to the Moon. After all, 2019 saw both commercial and government missions from Israel, China, and India, and this is just the beginning. 2020 and 2021 will see more.
The High Frontier is again our new frontier and the New Lunar Economy is at its heart. Barring global calamity, in 2029 we should be well under way to expanding the global economy to encompass the Moon, and as with everything satellite, spectrum is the key. You see, the satellite industry itself holds the key to a successful return to the Moon.
What’s changed in the last fifty years since we first landed on the Moon is the satellite industry and the global space economy it has created. If we are to return successfully to the Moon to stay and create the New Lunar Economy that it will represent the best, an exponential synthesis, of both of the human spaceflight community and the satellite industry working together as a near unbeatable combination.
The commercial strengths we now enjoy in space are driven directly by the global satellite economy: launches, manufacturing, finance, commerce and more. Now think of the logical and practical extension of this service-based economy combining it with our experience in human spaceflight and you have the foundation of the New Lunar Economy. Then think about how we would watch Netflix on the Moon. Seriously.
The fact that people are watching Netflix on the Moon in 2029 means there would be people living and working there with free time to enjoy leisure activities. How would they pay for Netflix? What currency are they paying in? Who is managing their investments and finances? 100% of the money spent in space isn’t, it’s spent back here on Earth. Any economy on the Moon will have logical, legal, and natural ties back to their legal jurisdiction under the Outer Space Treaty back on Earth. What other down time will they enjoy? Nightclubs, night schools, concerts, more? An economy will be established. What will their work entail and for whom?
Which version of Netflix would they legally access? The US, Canadian, British, Australian, other? Whose laws will apply to a Lunar settlement decides which Netflix content they can watch. Blow minding.
How will they watch Netflix? No spectrum, no satellite, no Netflix. Know spectrum, know satellite, watch Netflix. Spectrum fuels all commerce in space today and it will also do so on the Moon too, enabling secure communications to and from the Earth and its market of eight billion people (we’re talking 2029) and commerce on the surface and in the cities and settlements below. 6G on the Moon? Netflix already comes as part of the service package of some US cell phone providers, why not use your cell phone in such a settlement? Why not, but only if it’s licensed! Legitimate commercial operations protected from harmful interference will be key, just as it is in orbit today for on the Moon in 2029.

Laws do not stop at the edge of the atmosphere and 100% of that investment is enforced legally back here on Earth. ITU spectrum filings have played a key role in the development of the global satellite economy just as they have in space exploration from its very early days, most especially in regards to the Moon. From Soviet Luna missions to US Ranger missions they all had ITU filings. Spectrum paved the way in 1959, just as it will in 2029. Licensed spectrum enables true commerce and real investment in space.
When we think of the New Lunar Economy and the thriving series of settlements on the Moon in 2029 of course we envision the people living and working there, rockets flying to and from the Moon with passengers, cargo, and more, but we at ManSat truly see the vital enabling path of spectrum jurisdiction, laws and regulations that enable commerce today absolutely continuing to enable the commerce of tomorrow on the Moon and more. No spectrum, no space. Know spectrum, know space, know the Moon in 2029.
The author of this article sadly does not receive any commercial consideration from Netflix.