Take the Space Debris Pledge
The Space Safety Coalition, or SSC, was formed by like-minded space organizations in August 2019. Its goal is to assemble and endorse consensus best practices for the sustainability of space operations. Originally endorsed by 18 space organizations, the list of endorses grew to 36 by April 2023 and is soon to add Space & Satellite Professionals International.
Updated Version of Recommendations
Building on that success, the SSC endorsees have been actively working to enhance its set of best practices to address our ever increasing and evolving use of space. In April of 2023, the SSC published version 2 of its report, “Best Practices for the Sustainability of Space Operations.” It updates our original work with more recently published standards and guidelines from the UN, the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, and further improves our technical best practice recommendations.
The Space Safety Coalition welcomes greater participation, endorsement, and continued enhancements of the SSC best practices. Space companies, countries, and/or NGOs having a direct and material interest in space safety are welcomed to endorse and join in the continued activities to collect and seek to adhere to best practices for space safety and sustainability. Learn more at Space Safety Coalition.